This is the place where we gather some of our sketches and inspirational stuff. You're welcome to use them - but ... credits where credits are due, ok?
They are NOT to be used for DT-work, challenges, applications, crops, contests or commissionary work, and so on.
Also, please link back here if you've used one of our sketches. :)
Have fun and thanx for visiting.
Swedish/English dictionary
Just for the words we use in our sketches, to make sure you understand us! ;) band=ribbon datum=date deko/dekoration=embellishment el. (short for "eller")=or foto=photo fyrkantigt=square journaling=journaling motiv=motif plats=place skiss=sketch smalt=narrow text=text tillfälle=occasion titel=title titel här=title here undertitel=subtitle
10 kommentarer:
Fantastic LOs - both of them!!! I can just go in here and watch all the beautiful things you make, girls, and it gives me tons of inspiration!
All my
♥ ♥ ♥
to you!
Another two beautiful LO's to show off your wonderful sketches.
Wowzers! Those layouts are just gorgeous! You both rock!
I don't no how I have never found you before but I love this sketch and will link it back when I am done. Thanks!
Som alltid, superhärliga sketcher!
Tjoho, spana in min blog. :-)
Simply Amazing! These take my breath away!!!
Makalöst vackert!!! Både layouter och skissen!!!
Gorgeous....just gorgeous!
Ljuvlig skiss, den använde jag igår! Tack för inspirationen!!
another beautiful sketch!
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